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Value of internal control system as a quality control mechanism in public organizations
Makafui R. Agboyi, David Ackah (PhD)
In every organization it is very essential to put in place an effective internal control system in its daily activities to help achieve its organization objectives. Internal control system is defined by the auditing standard as „the whole system of control, financial or otherwise establish by the management policies, safeguards assets and secure as far as possible the completeness and accuracy of the control”. There has been an alarming rate of misappropriation of funds in some organizations. One of such factors is ineffectiveness of internal control system. The extent of effective internal control depend on the environment, management risk, assessment, the accounting information and communication system, control activities and monitoring. When the five components mentioned above are properly conducted in any organization, it will go a long way of improving performance of employees in an organization. Furthermore, for internal control system to be effective there must be an internal mechanism to assess and review the performance of the control system put in place for effective measures to be in place where necessary. With the existence of management can be pro-active.
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Internal control system
Mu'azu Sa'idu
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Public Sector Research Regarding the Fulfillment of Internal Control Activities
Murat Mat
Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, 2017
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The Contribution of Internal Audit to the Improvement of Internal Control System
European Scientific Journal ESJ
In order to be more flexible in a perpetual mutational environment and face up to damaging effects of an economic situation in strong growth, organizations have to acquire efficient management tools allowing them to accomplish their objectives and to protect themselves against inherent risks. The implementation of an internal control system is considered to be the guarantor of an invincible organizational system and a means of control of risky operations. However, an applied and well conceived internal control provides the organization just a reasonable and not an absolute insurance about its objectives realization and sustainability. It is the reason for which an upper level control, accomplished by the internal audit function, seems to be a palliative to the internal control deficiencies, and a means of supervising and evaluating the application of procedures and internal control rules. Thus, this research aims at demonstrating how internal audit can participate to the improvement of internal control system. In this context, we have introduced a qualitative study, which was based on a sample of 10 Moroccan publicly traded companies that operate in many industries. Through the interviews conducted with this sample, we had identified firstly, the different control levels within organizations, and their degree of effectiveness and their capacity to face up risks as well as the limits of each type of control. Secondly, this research explored that internal audit is considered as a response to the insufficiencies of different lower control levels, and a means of monitoring and piloting the effectiveness of internal control system, across notably the recommendations provided
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Assessment of Effectiveness of Internal Control in Government Ministries
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This study examines the importance of internal control systems in an orgainsation. Internal control systems is a topical issue following global fraudulent financial reporting and accounting scandals in both developed and developing countries. A proactive preventive approach to the problem requires a critical evaluation of existing internal control structures in organizations to determine their capacity to ensure that the organization’s activities are carried out in accordance with established goals, policies and procedures. This study is on the health sector and focusing on Suntreso Hospital. This project develops a conceptual model used in evaluating the importance of internal control systems in an organisation. The convenient sampling procedure was used to select thirty (60) respondents from suntreso hospital for the research. Questionnaires and direct interviews analysis was the major statistical tool used to collect the data from the respondents. The outcome of the evaluation process is that some control components of effective internal control systems are lacking in these projects. This renders the current control structures ineffective. The study ends with recommendations to improve the existing internal control systems in the projects and suggests areas for further research.
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The Contribution of Internal Audit to the Performance of the Internal Control System
European Scientific Journal ESJ
Internal control is increasingly seen as the foundation on which the company relies to ensure, on the one hand, the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, the quality of information and compliance with laws, regulations and policies, and on the other hand, to prevent and control risks that may affect the achievement of objectives. Therefore, internal control encompasses all the different types of security that exist within the organisation to provide reasonable assurance that objectives are achieved. In short, through the deployment of an effective and efficient internal control system, a company is better equipped to achieve its objectives and avoid pitfalls and imponderables. Furthermore, internal auditors are part of the steering framework. Thus, they have the possibility to carry out evaluations, whether permanent or punctual, on the other elements of internal control. Therefore, internal audit is an element of the internal control system, and its purpose is to ensure that all the company's operations are under control and that the company is managed efficiently and transparently. The ultimate objective of our research is to analyse the role of internal audit as a performance tool of the internal control system.
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Role of Management in Enhancement of Internal Controls at a Public Hospital
Lawrence Staner
This research was purposively carried out to examine the role of Management in the enhancement of internal controls. The objective of the study was to identify possible areas of weaknesses in internal control system at Balaka District Hospital and how management can enhance the internal control environment in safeguarding public resources against abuse and fraud. It was conducted to appraise the existing internal control system and identify areas of internal control deficiencies and recommend for improvement. Data was collected from twenty six (26) members of staff at the Hospital. Purposive sampling technique was used. Questionnaires were used to gather data regarding internal controls at the hospital. Data analysis and presentation were done with the aid of Microsoft Excel but carefully done to give the researcher a hand-on experience in carrying out such an exercise. The research period covered six (6) months. It was discovered from the findings that management of Balaka District Hospital put in place strong internal controls in conformity with financial regulations such as the Public Financial Management Act (2003), Public Procurement Act (2003) and Public Audit Act (2003) and indirect application of Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). It was revealed that the level of compliance was high and this is very commendable and must be encouraged. However, it was discovered that there was no internal audit section at the hospital which rendered the appraisal activity of internal control performance weak. It is recommended that management of the hospital should put in place an internal audit section that should be appraising the control system at the institution. Besides, management should routinely review the operation of internal control systems at the hospital in order to find ways on how to improve on discovered weaknesses. Review of internal control system need to be done from time to time, so that new standards can be embraced for performance and improvement. It would help to change weak conventions of the system. This would help to enhance and improve the internal control to achieve effective and efficient internal control operations.
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Internal Control and Internal Audit in the Function of Supervising the Operations of Companies
Management Studies ISSN 2328-2185
The management of a modern company is faced with the need to make business decisions regarding the achievement of business goals. Increased interest in establishing internal control is affected by the presence increased corruption and the erosion of business morality. For internal controls, everyone is interested, from external auditors to management, board of directors, shareholders of large public companies and the state. With the constant growth of the company, the decentralization of business has been compounded by the management process. Therefore, in addition to internal control, internal audit is required. The company's management cannot deal with oversight because it has to deal with strategic issues. This is where internal audit is performed as an expert service. The results of the conducted empirical research showed that the stages of development of internal control in enterprises in Montenegro do not correspond with the achieved degree of development of this profession in the countries of the developed market economy.
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Edwin Onsase, IJSSIT Publication
Like any other organization, institutions of higher learning have their internal control systems evaluated in order to provide the management with some assurance regarding its effectiveness. It involves control evaluation of everything the management does to control the organization. In the effort to achieve their objectives, internal controls must be judged effectively if its components are present and function effectively for operations. The study was done to establish the factors that affect the use of internal control systems in the University of Kabianga in Kenya. The study's scope was limited to the finance department at the university. The outcome of the study will be useful to institutions of higher learning in Kenya by knowing the factors that affected the use of internal controls so as to put controls in place. On assessing the awareness by their staff of the existing internal controls, the adequacy of the internal control systems and the factors affecting the extent of their compliance in order to incorporate measures in their planning to ensure internal control systems were understood by all staff and that they contributed towards improved systems.
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